Adelaide Arborist in Springfield specialises in tree removal, Tree trimming, Pruning, hedging and stump removal. We are your local Arborist in Springfield

If you cut down a tree in your garden or yard, you might notice a tree stump left behind. Merely cutting down the tree doesn’t mean that you will cut off the root system as well. After tree removal in Springfield, you must require a different set of stump removal procedures to take out the stuck root on the ground. It will make your lawn safe and attractive. You have a couple of choices to remove the stump out of your yard. Either you can hire a professional agency to do so or you can do it yourself.
However, you must think about the size of the tree stump. If it is too big, then you must drop the idea to grind it yourself. Another bad idea that usually people come-up with is tree stump removal in Springfield using a hook and pick-up truck. Under this method, one needs to drive the truck as hard as one can. It may damage your lawn.
The cheapest and practical method of tree stump removal needs a few important tools. You just need to get a good digging spade. Good quality and heavy digging spade give an efficient and effective result of digging.
While digging, one must keep some safety measures into consideration. One must wear steel toe boots while digging the stump as you may hit your feet. Initially, you should dig the little trenches around the stump, and using the spade backward you can make little leverages. But you must dig away from the stump and alongside you must throw the soil in an outward angle. It will help you to get exposure to more roots.
After digging the edges you may start using the landscape bar so that you can cut the roots in the stump perimeter. Eventually, you will discover that the stump starts to move. Slowly, your effort will reap success.